Bulletin.If you would like an addition or correction made to the bulletin, please contact the Parish Office at 573-887-3953 or by emailing [email protected]
This Weeks Bulletin
Sunday, February 9, 2025
5th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Weekly Schedule:
10-Mon. 6:30-7:30am, Adoration
11-Tue. 7pm, RCIA
12-Wed. 4:45-5:15pm, Confessions
14-Fri. 6:30-7:30am, Adoration
15-Sat. 3-3:45pm, Confessions
16-Sun. 1:30pm, Diocesan Wedding Anniv.
Celebration, St. Mary’s, Cape
Mass Intentions:
Mon. 2/10 – 8am – Cathy Lee Cobb
Wed. 2/12 – 5:30pm – Terry & Paul Elfrink
Fri. 2/14 – 8am – Special Intention (T)
Sat. 2/15 – 4pm – Alvin M & Joe David Frank
Sun. 2/16 – 8:30am – St. Ambrose & Guardian
Angel Parishes
Last Week’s Collection
Adult Env. 2350.00
Loose plate 259.00
Mass 10.00
House Rent 500.00
School 275.00
10-10 Winners: Sunday – Dean Hall
Monday – Jenny Glueck
Tuesday – St. Ambrose School
Wednesday – Alvin Vandeven
Thursday – Noah Roth
Friday – Linda Yarbro
Saturday – Mallory Estes
Pray for the Sick: Charolotte Dirnberger, Ronnie Eftink, Evelyn Sprenger, Richard VanGennip, Jason Watson, Michael Sadler, Seger Ruiz, Jennifer Vandeven, Joann Brucker, Adella Frank, Frank Welter, Clem Landewee, L.C. Gosche, Joan Evans, Pat Kaempfer, Hudson Reinagel, Vera Redfern, Alex King, Jerry Beck, Barb Trankler, Kevin Brucker, Darla Turner.
Church Ministers:
Sat. Feb. 15, 4pm
Rosary: Diane Eftink
Organist: Daniel Asmus
Songleader: Laura Higgerson
Lector: Arlene Harrell
Sacristans: Brooke & Saylor Landewee
Servers: Kason Hanback, Hayden Senciboy
Sun. Feb. 16, 8:30am
Rosary: Richard Vandeven
Organist: Betty Vandeven
Songleader: Christy Hency
Lector: Grant Berry
Sacristans: Rievley Grojean, Zellie Ostendorf
Servers: Bobby Grojean, Jacob Glueck
Please Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joyce Dunn and remember her family in your prayers. May she rest in peace.
Consecration to St. Joseph: All men of the diocese have been invited to join in the Consecration to St. Joseph, which begins on Feb. 15th. Consecration to St. Joseph by Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, have been purchased and are available in church this weekend for pick-up. If you would like to help cover the cost of the books, please place a donation in an envelope marked ‘Consecration to St. Joseph’ and put it in the collection basket or bring it to the parish office. If you have any questions, please contact Fr. Kelly!
Mirror Subscription Renew or subscribe to the diocesan newspaper, The Mirror, today. Cost is $14.00 annually. The parish must pay for subscriptions not paid by parishioners.
Cursillo News: Ultreya on Sat. Feb. 15 at St. Augustine, Kelso at 9am.
Grief Support a new Grief Support Group is starting soon at St. Vincent, Cape. For more information call Gerry 573-270-3786 or Sue 573-579-8870.
Euchre Tournament at St. Ambrose on Sun. Feb. 23. Doors open at 11:30am and play begins at 1pm. Cost is $10.00. Food available.
Cursillo The next Cursillo for men will be Feb. 20-23 at Pinecrest in Fredericktown. The next Cursillo for women will be March 20-23. Call Kristi 573-208-8271 or Anthony 573-768-0294 for more information.
St. Vincent DePaul School in Cape is accepting applications for the following positions:
Assistant Principal, 5th Grade Teacher, Art Teacher and Part-time Technology Teacher. Call school office at 573-334-9594 for more information.
Notre Dame High School is looking to fill the following positions: Theology Teacher and Freshman Girls Volleyball Coach. Call school office at 573-335-6772 for more information.
Homemade Pork Sausage Breakfast on Sun. Feb. 9 at St. Denis, Benton. Served 7:30-11:30am. Sausage, ham, eggs, biscuits & gravy, fruit salad. Good will donation.
Sausage Breakfast on Sun. Feb. 9 at Oran KC Hall. Served 7:30-10:30am. Good will donation.
Dumpling, Pork Loin Dinner on Sun., Feb. 9 at St. Augustine, Kelso. Served 10:30am to 1pm. Adults $15.00, Child $7.00.
Kettle Beef, Dumpling Dinner on Sun. Feb. 9 at Jackson KC Hall. Served 11am to 1pm. Adults $15.00, child $8.00.
Fish/Chicken Fry at Advance KC Hall on Fri. Feb. 14. Served 5-7pm. Adults $12.00, child 15 & under free with paid adult.
Notre Dame Trivia Night on Fri. Feb. 21 at 7pm in King Hall. Cost is $160 for table of eight. Doors open at 6pm and play begins at 7pm. Register online at: www.notredamehighschool.org/trivia
Oran Dinner Auction will be on Sat. Feb. 22 at Oran KC Hall. Doors open at 4:30pm, meal at 5:45pm and oral auction at 7pm. Tickets are $40. For more information contact Taylor Pharris 573-887-1637.
Fr. Kelly: Eucharistic Revival Tip #6: What is happening during the Consecration?
For this week’s Eucharistic Revival ‘tip,’ we turn to the most important moment in the entire Mass: The Consecration. This is when the bread and wine are truly changed into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ! At this moment, we find ourselves at the apex of Calvary when Christ offered Himself in sacrifice to the Father for our salvation. Each and every time we witness the Consecration, we should renew our gratitude and love for Christ and the moment He died for us!
“During the Consecration at Mass, we join the Church Triumphant (Heaven) and the Church Suffering (Poor souls in Purgatory) in giving true worship to God. Jesus has offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice on the Cross and the priest is acting in His person (in persona Christi), transforming the bread and wine into Jesus’ actual Body and Blood. When the priest speaks the words of Christ, “This is My Body,” the host becomes His true Flesh. The priest then elevates the Sacred Host, offering it to God for the sacrifice of atonement for our sins. He is holding Jesus’ Sacred crucified Heart in his hands! When the priest speaks the words, “This is My Blood,” the wine truly becomes Jesus’ Precious Blood. This aspect of sacrifice was important to the Jewish people in the Old Testament, for when they sacrificed their lambs for the Passover in the book of Exodus, the blood of the lamb was painted on their door posts so the Angel of Death would pass over their home. Jesus is the new sacrifice - our sacrifice. When the priest elevates the chalice, he is holding the Precious Blood that is pouring from Jesus’ pierced side!
Take time to adore Our Lord when the priest elevates Jesus’ Precious Body and Blood!”
5th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Weekly Schedule:
10-Mon. 6:30-7:30am, Adoration
11-Tue. 7pm, RCIA
12-Wed. 4:45-5:15pm, Confessions
14-Fri. 6:30-7:30am, Adoration
15-Sat. 3-3:45pm, Confessions
16-Sun. 1:30pm, Diocesan Wedding Anniv.
Celebration, St. Mary’s, Cape
Mass Intentions:
Mon. 2/10 – 8am – Cathy Lee Cobb
Wed. 2/12 – 5:30pm – Terry & Paul Elfrink
Fri. 2/14 – 8am – Special Intention (T)
Sat. 2/15 – 4pm – Alvin M & Joe David Frank
Sun. 2/16 – 8:30am – St. Ambrose & Guardian
Angel Parishes
Last Week’s Collection
Adult Env. 2350.00
Loose plate 259.00
Mass 10.00
House Rent 500.00
School 275.00
10-10 Winners: Sunday – Dean Hall
Monday – Jenny Glueck
Tuesday – St. Ambrose School
Wednesday – Alvin Vandeven
Thursday – Noah Roth
Friday – Linda Yarbro
Saturday – Mallory Estes
Pray for the Sick: Charolotte Dirnberger, Ronnie Eftink, Evelyn Sprenger, Richard VanGennip, Jason Watson, Michael Sadler, Seger Ruiz, Jennifer Vandeven, Joann Brucker, Adella Frank, Frank Welter, Clem Landewee, L.C. Gosche, Joan Evans, Pat Kaempfer, Hudson Reinagel, Vera Redfern, Alex King, Jerry Beck, Barb Trankler, Kevin Brucker, Darla Turner.
Church Ministers:
Sat. Feb. 15, 4pm
Rosary: Diane Eftink
Organist: Daniel Asmus
Songleader: Laura Higgerson
Lector: Arlene Harrell
Sacristans: Brooke & Saylor Landewee
Servers: Kason Hanback, Hayden Senciboy
Sun. Feb. 16, 8:30am
Rosary: Richard Vandeven
Organist: Betty Vandeven
Songleader: Christy Hency
Lector: Grant Berry
Sacristans: Rievley Grojean, Zellie Ostendorf
Servers: Bobby Grojean, Jacob Glueck
Please Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joyce Dunn and remember her family in your prayers. May she rest in peace.
Consecration to St. Joseph: All men of the diocese have been invited to join in the Consecration to St. Joseph, which begins on Feb. 15th. Consecration to St. Joseph by Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, have been purchased and are available in church this weekend for pick-up. If you would like to help cover the cost of the books, please place a donation in an envelope marked ‘Consecration to St. Joseph’ and put it in the collection basket or bring it to the parish office. If you have any questions, please contact Fr. Kelly!
Mirror Subscription Renew or subscribe to the diocesan newspaper, The Mirror, today. Cost is $14.00 annually. The parish must pay for subscriptions not paid by parishioners.
Cursillo News: Ultreya on Sat. Feb. 15 at St. Augustine, Kelso at 9am.
Grief Support a new Grief Support Group is starting soon at St. Vincent, Cape. For more information call Gerry 573-270-3786 or Sue 573-579-8870.
Euchre Tournament at St. Ambrose on Sun. Feb. 23. Doors open at 11:30am and play begins at 1pm. Cost is $10.00. Food available.
Cursillo The next Cursillo for men will be Feb. 20-23 at Pinecrest in Fredericktown. The next Cursillo for women will be March 20-23. Call Kristi 573-208-8271 or Anthony 573-768-0294 for more information.
St. Vincent DePaul School in Cape is accepting applications for the following positions:
Assistant Principal, 5th Grade Teacher, Art Teacher and Part-time Technology Teacher. Call school office at 573-334-9594 for more information.
Notre Dame High School is looking to fill the following positions: Theology Teacher and Freshman Girls Volleyball Coach. Call school office at 573-335-6772 for more information.
Homemade Pork Sausage Breakfast on Sun. Feb. 9 at St. Denis, Benton. Served 7:30-11:30am. Sausage, ham, eggs, biscuits & gravy, fruit salad. Good will donation.
Sausage Breakfast on Sun. Feb. 9 at Oran KC Hall. Served 7:30-10:30am. Good will donation.
Dumpling, Pork Loin Dinner on Sun., Feb. 9 at St. Augustine, Kelso. Served 10:30am to 1pm. Adults $15.00, Child $7.00.
Kettle Beef, Dumpling Dinner on Sun. Feb. 9 at Jackson KC Hall. Served 11am to 1pm. Adults $15.00, child $8.00.
Fish/Chicken Fry at Advance KC Hall on Fri. Feb. 14. Served 5-7pm. Adults $12.00, child 15 & under free with paid adult.
Notre Dame Trivia Night on Fri. Feb. 21 at 7pm in King Hall. Cost is $160 for table of eight. Doors open at 6pm and play begins at 7pm. Register online at: www.notredamehighschool.org/trivia
Oran Dinner Auction will be on Sat. Feb. 22 at Oran KC Hall. Doors open at 4:30pm, meal at 5:45pm and oral auction at 7pm. Tickets are $40. For more information contact Taylor Pharris 573-887-1637.
Fr. Kelly: Eucharistic Revival Tip #6: What is happening during the Consecration?
For this week’s Eucharistic Revival ‘tip,’ we turn to the most important moment in the entire Mass: The Consecration. This is when the bread and wine are truly changed into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ! At this moment, we find ourselves at the apex of Calvary when Christ offered Himself in sacrifice to the Father for our salvation. Each and every time we witness the Consecration, we should renew our gratitude and love for Christ and the moment He died for us!
“During the Consecration at Mass, we join the Church Triumphant (Heaven) and the Church Suffering (Poor souls in Purgatory) in giving true worship to God. Jesus has offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice on the Cross and the priest is acting in His person (in persona Christi), transforming the bread and wine into Jesus’ actual Body and Blood. When the priest speaks the words of Christ, “This is My Body,” the host becomes His true Flesh. The priest then elevates the Sacred Host, offering it to God for the sacrifice of atonement for our sins. He is holding Jesus’ Sacred crucified Heart in his hands! When the priest speaks the words, “This is My Blood,” the wine truly becomes Jesus’ Precious Blood. This aspect of sacrifice was important to the Jewish people in the Old Testament, for when they sacrificed their lambs for the Passover in the book of Exodus, the blood of the lamb was painted on their door posts so the Angel of Death would pass over their home. Jesus is the new sacrifice - our sacrifice. When the priest elevates the chalice, he is holding the Precious Blood that is pouring from Jesus’ pierced side!
Take time to adore Our Lord when the priest elevates Jesus’ Precious Body and Blood!”